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How Much do Lessons Cost? 


30 minutes 1-2-1 - £64.00 per month (£22.40 per lesson)    


20 minutes 1-2-1. £48.70 per month (£17.20 per lesson)  


Pair/small group - £36.83 per month (£13.00 per lesson) - in some schools and on selected instruments. Only available if a partner/ group can be found (if not a 20-minute lesson will be suggested) 


For A21 and Annan Schools - £56.00 (£22.40) - 30 mins available only for 30 annual lessons 


Payment is taken by Direct Debit through our payment provider GoCardless. Payment is spread out evenly throughout the year - taken monthly during term time and school holidays to cover an annual number of lessons. This helps to spread the cost into more manageable amounts across the year.   We only charge for lessons offered – there is no additional admin fee. 

How are monthly payments calculated? 


Cost of Lesson x 34 (lessons supplied in a school year or prorated) / 12 months (August – July or prorated) 


What if my child starts midway through a school year? 

The above formula will be applied with number of months adjusted and a small initial payment adjustment when you take up your place 


As a not for profit this enables us to reduce our admin overheads and keep monthly costs the same whenever you start. The initial payment assures your child’s place on our teacher’s timetable the following term.  


How many lessons will my child receive in total? 


We teach on 34 (30 for private schools) weeks of the school year* (there are 39 weeks in a school year so there will be a few weeks when we do not teach, allowing us to work around Bank Holidays, our musicians’ other musical commitments and Inset Days) 

If you start midway through the school year you will be charged the same monthly amount to cover a reduced pro-rata number of lessons from your start date over fewer months.  


How many lessons do we aim for each half term? 


The lessons are split as per below when possible: 


Half Term 1 – 6 lessons 

Half Term 2 – 6 lessons 

Half Term 3 – 6 lessons 

Half Term 4 – 6 lessons  

Half Term 5 – 5 lessons 

Half Term 6 – 5 lessons 


How is payment made? 

Payments are taken by Direct Debit on or around (but not before) the 1st of each month.  

You will receive an invoice each month as a reminder and 3 days' notice of payment being taken from your account.  You have total control over your Direct Debit payments and can cancel (subject to our cancellation policy) at any time with a half terms notice.  


Why do I have to pay in August when there are no lessons? 


 The total payment is calculated and averaged out over 12 months to make it more manageable.  

Some months your child will receive 5 lessons, some months you will receive 2 lessons, depending on school terms, inset or bank holidays or other factors, but you will always pay the same monthly amount and receive 34 lessons per annum. 


See above for termly lesson quotas 


Does my child need an instrument? 


Your child will require an instrument to practise at home and to bring into school each week (except keyboards, which will be provided). 


How will I find out when lessons are taking place? 


Once we receive the August payment, (or initial payment if starting during the school year) we know your child will be learning with us. We can then start working put our timetables which will be notified to you by your teacher directly a few weeks before term starts. 


What else do I receive? 


  • Contact details of the teacher with whom you can discuss your child’s learning at a mutually agreed time 

  • A termly revolving timetable 

  • Instrument buying/renting advice if requested  

  • A chance to meet the teacher at least once per year – this will be either online or in person at the school 

  • An SMS practice book 

  • A written end of year progress report 


What if a lesson is missed? 


If a lesson is missed due to pupil absence, including illness, the lesson cannot be made up. 

If a lesson is missed due to a school trip or medical appointment which you have notified us of in advance, the teacher will try to make up the lesson on another occasion. However, this cannot be guaranteed. 

If a lesson is missed due to the closure of the school i.e. ‘snow day’, strike day or a large local lockdown the lesson will be offered online the same day instead. 

If a lesson is missed due to teacher absence the lesson will either be rearranged, made up at a later date or, in the rare case when 34 lessons are not offered across the year, a refund will be paid at the end of the school year.  


How do I cancel lessons? 

We require 4 lessons notice in writing to if you wish to terminate lessons; we ask that you also please copy in your teacher. 

 We will confirm with you the date of the final lesson and we will refund any money owed to you or issue a final invoice to close the account.  

Please do not cancel your Direct Debit until you have made your final payment. 

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